
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Best price?

"What's your best price?"

I am sure you have met buyers who still sends you enquiries about your best price, no matter how clearly you have stated in your description that "price is fixed" or "non-negotiable", etc.

For some its clearly blatant that they are cheapskates. For item less than $5, still want to bargain $1 or $2? This is the reason why I avoid selling cheap stuff on Carousell. The frustration of entertaining idiotic Carousellers is not worth the money received!

Do you know what is a Best Price?

Then there is those who knows how to ask for best price but do not understand the meaning of "best price".

After stating your best price, (that is if you are kind enough to give a discount), the fellow proceeds to negotiate some more...

(Assuming original price 1 piece $15)
Buyer : Hi, whats your best price for 2 pieces?
You : $20
Buyer : $15?

They are just trying to lower the bar, then negotiate further. I can bet the following would happen if you have answered "$15" in the first place ...

(Assuming original price still 1 piece $15)
Buyer : Hi, whats your best price for 2 pieces?
You : $15
Buyer : $10?

Now you get it? Never trust a buyer who ask for your best price because no matter what, they will already have a "best price" in their mind.

In fact, of so many buyers who have asked me for a best price, hardly any materialize into an actual transaction. These are cheapskate Carousellers who ask this question.

So how to deal with "Best Price" buyers?

So you are new to selling on Carousell and you find negotiations very difficult for you.

Let me give you a life hack to handle such Carousellers.

The simple way is to answer them as such.

Buyer : Hi, whats your best price for this item.
You : How about you offer your best price to me via "Chat to Buy" function?

This way, you can sieve out the non-serious buyers and save your time haggling with people who won't buy.
Secondly, if they make an offer and you accept (because it is higher than your "best price", heehee), they cannot escape. If they don't complete the deal at THEIR offered price, then you have every right to issue them a bad rating...though be prepared to be given one in return from vengeful buyers.

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